Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Jacques Lansot Lousteau

    Je suis très triste car un grand serviteur et homme de Dieu vient de nous quitter. Que notre Seigneur soit une Source de consolation et de reconfort pour toute sa famille. Condoléances familleCoetréconfort.


    Rev. Billy Graham was a true man of God and a wonderful example of how we too should “Never stop praying.” I can only imagine the celebration going on in Heaven. To his family, I’m deeply sorry for your loss and pray God comforts you and brings peace to your hearts. God’s blessings to all his family.

  3. Daniel & Françoise DOSSMANN

    We are from France and are radio missionaries with Reach Beyond/HCJB (Ecuador & West Africa). We are now in Crossville, TN, with our son Oliver ( We were part of the Paris Crusade in 1986. We love The Cove. Billy Graham’s legacy of God’s unconditional love is beyond words.

  4. Rodolfo Custodio

    Jamas en la historia habrá otro hombre tan integro e intachable como Billy Graham. Agradezco a Dios por haber sido parte hace 20 años aproximadamente de la organización en mi país de la cruzada mundial por television ” Starting over”. Descanza en Paz Billy pues tu legado permanecera para siempre.

  5. Dembélé Adama

    It is a great servant of God who joins the heavenly homeland. Here in Africa I read all the books of Billy Graham when I was a young medical student. These books impacted my life so much and many other people. “It is priceless in the eyes of God, the death of the righteous” -Psalm 116:15.

  6. Glen Drake

    Billy Graham, my most respected person in the world, my favorite preacher and a hero to me! We will all miss Mr. Graham but only for a short while, then we will all be together again forever with Jesus! Praise the Lord, and I thank Mr. Graham for all of his love and good words to me and everyone!

  7. Anne Moravec

    I am so thankful that our family was able to hear Billy Graham for all the years that he spoke and the Word of God was made clear. I have prayed for Billy and family members for years, that you would continue in His Word and never falter. Thank you

  8. Debora Mattison

    My first thought is of the family of Billy. On behalf of my husband Mark and I, we pray that you find the peace of your loving God during this time. Billy was more than a remarkable, humble, and selfless person. We thank the Lord for the many years he gave Billy to us. In love and prayer. Mark/Deb

  9. Markku Komulainen

    Warm condolences to Mr. Graham´s family! His life and work has been an inspiring and reliable example in my life since he was visiting in Helsinki at the last of 1980´s. His message was clear–to point to the love of God in Jesus Christ. Best regards, Johanna and Markku Komulainen