Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Dembélé Adama

    It is a great servant of God who joins the heavenly homeland. Here in Africa, I read all the books of Billy Graham when I was a young medical student. These books impacted my life and many other people. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” (Psalm 116:15)

  2. Catherine Nelson

    I am shocked and saddened by Billy Graham’s death. I heard him speak in Sacramento. I drove 3 hrs. to hear him speak. He was real and lived his faith. What an awesome legacy. He was the pope of the USA and world. My heart has missed a beat hearing the news. What a celebration in heaven they are having!

  3. Justin Tweedy

    Billy Graham always held a very special place in my heart. I remember being a teenager watching his crusades on TBN with my father, who passed away in 2013. I find peace knowing he is with the Lord and will always admire his selfless service and the man of God that he was. Thank you, Billy, for everything.

  4. Jeff & Beth Bates

    Last April we drove to Mooresville, NC, to visit our daughter Sarah, her husband Steffen, and our grandchildren, Elena and Elijah. We visited the Billy Graham Library, each of us blessed by being there. Steffen is agnostic but enjoyed taking notes on the tour. Praise God for Billy Graham’s life!

  5. Bifuko Nsaka Aline

    Glory to God. Let God receive a famous man and evangelist. I thank God for the good job he has done in this world, to save the lives of many people. I will miss you, man of God. Stay in the glory of God.

  6. Daryl Amundrud

    As a child, our family would gather around the TV to watch the crusade and hear Dr. Graham’s unchanging message of salvation through Jesus Christ. I recall, my favorite part would be seeing the many people rush down to the altar during “Just As I Am.” I’m forever grateful for his impact on my life!