Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Sandra Sowells

    It is with mixed emotions that I receive the word of Brother Graham’s passing. I rejoice that he has made his journey home and at peace with his beloved wife and Lord. However, I feel sad at our loss on earth that his presence is no longer among us. Love and prayers to his family!

  2. Denise Persinger

    My heart broke when I heard that Billy Graham had passed away, but at the same time, in between my tears, I smiled because I knew he had gone home to be with the Lord. I admired him and have learned so much from him. He taught me about how a Christian should live. He was truly a gift from God.

  3. Leslie Fernatt

    Mr Graham’s ministry has always meant a great deal to me. His ministry has brought encouragement and hope in times of great stress. Not that he brought me hope, but that through him the words of God our Father brought me the hope and encouragement I needed at those difficult times.

  4. Michael Anorue

    I so much love his preaching. He is my mentor. I pray God to console the family and members of the body of Christ. Farewell “God’s General” (GG), till we meet to part no more.

  5. Anilda Ventura

    Por mucho tiempo Billy Graham fue solo un nombre para mí. Hasta que leí el Discípulo Radical de Jhon Stott y profundicé acerca del Pacto de Lausana y su propósito. Esto confrontó mi vida. Estoy agradecida.

  6. Sabina Bockova

    I am one of those who received Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord after Billy Graham’s preaching on March 16, 1995 broadcasted to Slovakia. Hard to express how thankful I am for Billy’s heart for us who were lost and his words “The time is now” that prompted me to respond to God’s calling.

  7. Justin Bennett

    I will never forget when Billy Graham came to San Diego for crusades in Qualcomm stadium. Standing on the field and hearing the praises of 60-70 thousand going up to God. That was the loudest I have ever heard from a crowd and no sporting event could ever compare. Thank you!!!