Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Sandra and Roberto Cruz

    Our sincere condolences to the Graham Family. We saw Billy Graham years ago when he came to Giants Stadium in New Jersey. God spoke to our hearts and worked in molding us into what He wanted us to become. Faithful children to His calling. We will miss you. Love, The Cruz Family

  2. Carole Burbo

    Your Ministry changed my life. As a result, I know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Thank you. I can only imagine the joy you must feel right now, being with your beautiful Ruth and with Jesus. You were a good and faithful servant and I know your reward is great. Prayers for your family.

  3. Pabla Mercedes Sellustti

    Mr. Billy Graham was a soldier for Christ. His legacy is precious to the whole world. My prayers to his family and friends. Heavens rejoice and The Lord will says one more time: “Well done good and faithful servant.”

  4. Robin Curry

    Much like God called Moses in a time of deliverance, God too, called Billy Graham in a time of great need for deliverance and repentance of His people. My heart rejoices for Billy to be in the presence of the Most Holy God that he loved and served so well. Sad for us without him.

  5. Bruna Daniela Cortes Rodrigues

    Grande homem de Deus. Grande exemplo. Fez muito, trabalhou muito na obra do Senhor Jesus. Tenho certeza que Deus o receberá de braços abertos e orgulhoso desse filho que foi tão dedicado a palavra que realmente salva e liberta. Obrigado Billy Graham pelo seu coração generoso e fiel.

  6. Suzanne Burrell

    We, the everyday people of faith, are grateful for the light, the salt, the hope that Billy Graham shared with us year after year. Not only for his work as a well-known, ardent evangelist, but also for the man who walked among us, we thank our Heavenly Father for his consistent life of integrity.

  7. Honey Priya Lazar Dara

    Graham is a man of God used mightily with full anointing. May the anointing of God be with the family in double portion. And may God use the family mightily for the consoling of many people who are burdened.

  8. Randall Revis

    Around age 10, my grandmother and I would sit in front of a black and white TV and listen to his crusades. My first introduction to Jesus! Thank you, Grandma, and thank you Billy Graham!

  9. Billy Graham

    I was named after him because, the year I was born (1972) he visited India and my dad wanted me to be dedicated in his memory. His life and ministry has been dear to my heart. A high standard, not sure if I can fulfill a minuscule of what he has done for the extension of GOD’s kingdom. Will TRY.