Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. My mother started to share the gospel with someone, and before she began, they asked her if she was Billy Graham’s sister. Seeing as how they looked nothing alike, my mother quickly recognized what he was seeing, the familial resemblance of the Holy Spirit. What a privilege it is to be “related.”

  2. Cathy Dukes

    My heart is absolutely broken after hearing of Rev. Graham! To his family I offer my heartfelt condolences! I would also like to thank you for sharing this wonderful Godly man with us all! RIP Rev. Graham!

  3. Sherry Montague

    You will always be America’s pastor, Dr. Graham. I grew up watching your crusades on TV. I prayed that Sinner’s Prayer with you. Thank you for introducing Jesus to millions all around the world. Thank you for instilling that same love for winning souls to Christ on to your children and grandchildren.

  4. lisa orme

    I will always remember Billy. I was able to meet him back in the early 90s. What a Godly man he was. Thank you Lord for Billy Graham. I will be praying for the family now. Thank the Lord Billy can rest in peace. Will forever remember him.

  5. Beth Lytle

    I remember watching Rev. Graham’s Crusades on TV when I was growing up. I always admired this man and what he stood for. My youngest sister had the privilege of meeting Rev. Graham years ago at The Cove. She said to him that it was an honor to meet him. His response, “I’m just an ordinary man.”

  6. Barbara Korona

    I was probably around age 8-9 in 1948. Our little country church had a photograph of Billy on the wall in Sunday School announcing a rally in Buffalo, NY. That was the beginning of my journey following this man’s incredible ministry. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”

  7. John Laycock

    There is sadness with your passing, Mr. Graham, but rejoicing for you to be with your dear friend, our Saviour Jesus Christ, and with Father God and the Holy Spirit. You will be greatly missed here. Thank you for being part of my life. My condolences and blessings to your family. Love John Laycock