Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Shelby Alderson

    While we are sad to hear of his passing, the angels in heaven are rejoicing! Rev. Graham inspired & taught me much. My sincere condolences to his family. The Alderson Family of Rowlett, Texas.

  2. James Herzog

    Heaven gained yet another one while earth mourned anew with the passing of yet another beloved child of the most High, Billy Graham. He will without doubt be missed but never forgotten by countless ones around the world, Christians and non-Christians alike, including this ragamuffin.

  3. JoAnne Hayes

    I can almost hear the angels singing, a child has come home. Certainly Billy Graham will never die. He has gone on to his great reward and I imagine a huge reunion. My wishes for comfort, and peace be with all of his family.

  4. Tracy Fahs-Wallis

    My sympathy to the Graham Family! Billy impacted my life with his gospel message to come to Jesus Christ just as I am. He is one of my heroes of faith and a great LIGHT has left our world but he is rejoicing in heaven with his LORD JESUS and beloved wife Ruth. Well Done Billy! Faithful Servant.

  5. Martha C. Rice

    My condolences to the Graham family. I remember when Billy Graham came to San Antonio. I could not find anyone to go with me. But I needed to go. Parked in a bad side of town and I prayed for the Lord and angels to be with me. Made it there safe and back home. Was amazing. People smiling as they left.

  6. Douglas Renton

    So sorry to hear of Mr. Graham’s passing. However, he will have received a fantastic welcome from Jesus and will now spend eternity with all the saints, Jesus, Almighty God and the Holy Spirit. A life spent in the service of God. Well done good and faithful servant.

  7. Sharon Hatfield

    My daddy was a preacher, and we traveled each year to the Southern Baptist conventions. In the 60’s, Rev. Graham was at one in Florida. As a child it was a gift to hear him speak. A true hero and a man after God’s heart. Today I could almost hear the triumphant welcome as he entered the pearly gates of heaven.