Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Norma Powers

    My prayers are with the Billy Graham family as they face the coming days. What an amazing man of God. My mother would never miss his program and listening to him alongside her children. I am 84 now and still love to hear his message. So many lives changed because of God using him to preach.

  2. Janet Bowman

    I accepted Christ because of Billy Graham’s ministry in the mid 1960s. My home life was in turmoil as a young teen and when I heard Dr. Graham speak, I knew I wanted to learn more about Jesus. My testimony always includes this story. He is rejoicing in heaven. Praise God for this wonderful man.

  3. Darlene and David Stanton

    Prayers of peace and comfort go to all the family. We remember attending Hampton Duboise Academy in Fl with Gigi and Bunny. We fondly remember Dr. Billy Graham’s messages to the students. My brother remembers serving him at the table. Dad, Bernard P Stanton, went to Bob Jones Bible College with him.

  4. Anna joy Langevin

    My husband and I send our prayers to the family of Billy Graham. We have followed him for years and visited his Library two years ago. We have always been touched by his integrity, faithfulness and his servant’s heart. Truly he was a friend of God. He was greeted by that great cloud of witnesses.

  5. Cynthia Suniga

    Billy Graham was a great man and has gone on to his great mansion in heaven with God. As your father, I’m sure there is sorrow for you & your family, and for that we extend our sympathies & condolences. Thanks to God that he has granted us eternal life with Him.

  6. Lisa Cromwell

    Lord, Thank You for Rev. Billy Graham. One night a young man sitting on his parents’ couch, watching a Billy Graham crusade, surrendered his life to Christ. That young man came to be my beloved husband. My prayers are with the Graham family. I know my husband & Mr. Graham are resting in the arms of Jesus.