Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Michael Carr

    I struggle with religion, and when I’m feeling lost and alone, I play his sermon, “Come to the cross.” Gives me hope. So sorry for your loss, for the world’s loss.

  2. David Chapa

    I remember when I was a child, my mother and father would anxiously wait to see on television Mr. Graham’s preaching. No other preacher on television, to this day, has or will preach the Word of God as it should be preached like Mr. Graham did. With true love and respect to the Word of God.

  3. ALVES Noel Henrique

    Chez Mr. Alves Jonathan, 99 Rue de Livois – Amilly De mon enfance j’ai connu Dr B. Graham. Pasteur de E.N. en France j’ai participé a la première fois a la Campagne Billy Graham au Bercy ce fut une grande bénédictions pour la France et p/moi. Je n’oublierai jamais. Mes sincères condoléances.

  4. Steve/Rita Ness

    We would like to express our sympathy to the entire Graham family. We honor Billy Graham today for his faithfulness to God’s calling on his life. We were blessed by his ministry. We came to know the Lord through our church but his ministry was very much a part of our growth.

  5. Wilbur and Loyce Reeves

    He was America’s preacher and a gift from God to the world! Sure blessed my Daddy many times through the television broadcast. We heard him preach in Jacksonville some years back. He is with the Lord Jesus, and the Father, in the presence of the holy angels, but his legacy and the message lives on…

  6. Nelson A. Diaz

    I am deeply sorry for the passing of America’s pastor and my hero. For 55 years I have been listening to the Hour of Decision or the Graham recordings of his Crusades which are always relevant to today. I was Chair of the 1991-92 Crusade and spoke at the Minnesota Crusade. What a privilege.

  7. Donna Butler

    To the whole Graham family, I send my deepest condolences for your loss. But what a marvelous Christian legacy he has left you all. There’s a void in the hearts of many around the world today, but what a joyous day it must be in Heaven for him! May God bless and keep you all.

  8. Patricia Johnson

    Billy Graham was an inspiration to my generation. What a wonderful man, friend and father. A man of God. We were so lucky as a country to have him all these years. He will be so missed and may his soul rest in peace.

  9. Braine Gonzo

    My deepest condolences to the Graham family, Billy Graham ministry and followers. May your soul rest in glory, brother Billy Graham. I promise you as a young preacher, I will carry your message forward from where you left off. You were a true icon to the body of Christ.

  10. Leon Hamani

    the Lord has given and the Lord has taken back. My sincerest condolences to all the Graham family. Billy Graham was for us, a father, a mentor mostly a role model. May his legacy live on. Thank you.