Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Stephany Lewis

    My heart is busting with both sadness and joy for him. He was a most important part of my birth as a Christian believer. God bless all of your family. He is happy!

  2. Kim Mccaleb

    I grew up in a home of parents who were not Christians, while I myself was a Christian. It was difficult. I was ridiculed by my family for my faith. My father vascilated between atheism/ agnosticism. Billy Graham was one of the few preachers he allowed our family to hear and watch. I am grateful for him.

  3. tammie granderson

    Hi, I want to say that Billy has touched my life. I love him for just living his life for God in it. Will never be another like him. When I was listening to Billy on TV (I never got a chance to meet him personally), I felt like I knew him. I just could see the glory of God on Billy when he would speak.

  4. Rob & Denise Hupfer

    We have been moved by the entire Graham family for years and have always held them up in prayer. We know that Mr. Graham is home with our Lord and that the angels are celebrating today. There is always a time for mourning and I feel this is more of a celebration for his life. He is with the Lord.

  5. Deb McCredie

    My heart was saddened to hear of the passing of Billy Graham this morning. But in the same moment, I thought of a statement he made once: “When you hear that I’ve died, don’t believe it. I’ll be more alive then than I’ve ever been.” Praise God! Thank you Dr. Graham for your wonderful witness!

  6. Jennifer Habicht

    Billy Graham’s life has impacted me tremendously since I was a young girl. His devotion to Christ was inspiring, his faith was unwavering, and his compassion was evident of one who’d spent much time in the presence of the Savior. I know he received a wonderful welcome in heaven this morning!

  7. Carlos Garcia

    One of the greatest evangelist of all times, a relentless servant of Christ who brought the uncompromised, infallible and perpetual word of God to every corner of the world. Today we celebrate his coronation into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We’ll meet in heaven Billy!

  8. Daisy Larson-Soto

    My deepest condolences to the family. It is with a heavy heart but also with joy for his eternal journey that I send my prayers and love. Rev. Graham was my favorite evangelist. I thank God for him and his ministry. “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant…'” Matthew 25:23

  9. Diego Cassagne

    I had the honor of attending one of his last sermons in Baltimore, and it was a wonderful and emotional experience. The Lord allowed me to collaborate with BGEA Festivals in Latin America for last 15 years and I hope the seed sown by Billy Graham will continue germinating for many years. #RipBillyGraham

  10. Ayesha Maria Green

    I am overwhelmed…and tearful. I grew up with him. I watched him. I trust in him as God’s best messenger to deliver the word. The example of what we know now as a television evangelist. I watched him from TBN and still believe in TV evangelists as one of the best tools. My son at 21 watched him.