God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
I remember going to the Billy Graham Crusade in New York City in 1957. It was our senior year’s class graduation trip. It is a wonderful memory! God bless your family as you continue his legacy of bringing the message of Christ to the world.
I can’t imagine a world without Billy Graham. I have watched his crusades on television many times over my lifetime. His message that God loves us never changed. I am so sorry for your loss, but excited for his gain, as God tells him in person, “Well done good & faithful servant.”
In 1975, my mom took my sister and I to see Rev Billy Graham. I remember I did not really want to go but I knew my mom would insist. I was 13. Once there, I was absolutely captivated! Rev. Graham influenced me more than my Catholic education/church. That event in Jackson, Mississippi changed my life.
I am enjoying listening to his past messages on SiriusXm.Thank you God for Billy Graham and the cross.
What a blessing Dr. Graham has been to my entire family since the 1950’s watching the crusades and reading his books and getting to sing in his 1980’s crusade in Little Rock, AR.
A truly gifted and humble man, who always preached the life-changing message of the gospel. I was blessed to attend a Crusade in Australia. Rev Graham invited ‘me’ to come forward and make a personal decision for Christ. As the choir sang “Just as I am…” I did. Condolences to all the family.
What a wonderful man of God! I and four others from our church were privileged to visit the Chapel and Library some years ago and saw Mrs. Ruth’s tomb. In the Chapel, after the guide finished her talk, she invited anyone who could play piano to come up and play, so I did “Just As I Am” and others.
Thank you Lord Jesus for Billy Graham. Billy Graham was a true model and example of a servant of God. God used him all across the whole world sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations, all cultures, all races. Psalm 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.”
When I was 13 years old, I attended the 1957 Billy Graham Crusade at Madison Square Garden in New York City. A group from The Salvation Army in Troy, New York traveled the 150 miles down the brand new New York Thruway to NYC. My life was changed that night. My wife and I are retired SA officers.
In August 1957, my late husband Paul and I committed our lives to Jesus at the New York City Madison Square Garden crusade. Life changed. I am so thankful for the Billy Graham ministry for preaching the Gospel to the world. Thanking you and praying for you.