Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Amy Portugal

    Dear Billy Graham’s family, sending me and my families’ condolences to you. Billy Graham has indirectly been a blessing to my life through his daughter, Anne. Her simple faith in God and His word always encourages me! Thank you sharing him with us these days! Praying for you all. Peace!

  2. Claudia Quiroga

    I heard from Mr. Graham first time on radio. I wanted to improve my English and with the time I growth in faith, my thirst and hungry for the word of God. He had the strength and power that only God can give to his servants.

  3. Bernard Johnson

    I attended a Crusade in Minneapolis, MN in 1950. At offering time they announced that they had already received offerings to cover the Crusade, therefore NO OFFERING WOULD BE TAKEN. I have attended 4 crusades: Mpls, Sydney, Hong Kong, Dallas; counselor twice.

  4. Thelma Chaves

    When I was five years old, my mother took me to a Billy Graham Crusade in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. I remember his clear message and many people accepting Jesus into their hearts. Billy Graham’s life and integrity continue to inspire me to follow Jesus. Thank you my brother, rest in peace!

  5. Tami Arredondo-Brigham

    I was able to take my mother, Ruth, to a Billy Graham crusade. It was one of the highlights of our lives. I have since then heard his daughter Anne speak in person. Wow! I admired that Dr. Graham’s life matched what he preached. “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

  6. Donna Maher

    What a man to honor after all his years of honoring God. He makes my belief ever so stronger. I’ve never met him but he’s in my heart. When I put my fingers on the casket on my phone I felt a charge go up my arm and through my body. I can’t wait to meet him one day.

  7. Kristy Wright

    I and my family will be praying for your family. We will miss him but know he is together rejoicing with Ruth and the Lord in Heaven.

  8. Esther Torbert

    I send my sincere condolence to the family of Billy Graham. He was truly loved by many including me whom is African American. He was color blind when it came to the peoples of this world.. God simply favored him and he was a true man of God. A rare find.

  9. James McGuire

    I never personally met Mr. Graham, but I have long been an admirer of his. America’s Pastor will be forever missed, but we can all take solace in knowing that he was welcomed home with a “Well Done” by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God Bless Mr. Graham and his entire family.

  10. Ronda Putnam

    I never met Billy Graham or really listened to very many of his crusades (although I did hear some) and I love his message. I have heard my dad say that he went to a Billy Graham Crusade and was saved there. Dad’s in heaven now because of it! I am praying for the Graham family during this time!