Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Robert McAlister

    My mother went forward in a Billy Graham crusade in 1950 in Columbia, SC. 37 years later my stepfather went forward at his last crusade in Columbia, SC. How can anyone put a value on the fact that those they love the most will be in heaven with them? Thanks for your ministry!

  2. Catherine McCarthy

    As a child, I had the privilege of attending Dr. Graham’s crusades both in Syracuse, NY in 1953 and in New York City in 1957. They were both life-changing events, and I thank God everyday for Dr. Billy Graham.

  3. Sarah Peck

    I fondly remember my mother taking us kids to see him in Pittsburgh, PA, as a child and never forgot, “Just as I Am.” Mr. Graham was humanity’s disciple for Christ and the Scriptures. He was the one cornerstone for saving grace on this planet. He will be missed. A true servant of our Lord.

  4. Michael Lawson

    Our family grew up listening to Billy every Sunday night on the “Hour of Decision.” Billy Graham is the second person I hope to meet in heaven some day! I’m sure there will be a line comparable to eternity. May God richly bless Billy’s family and their sacrifices they experienced of Billy’s service.

  5. Marcia Duncan

    As a child growing up, I was always eager to see and hear Mr. Graham speak. I watched as many of his meetings on TV as I could. It blessed my soul. I thank God for him and his ministry. He will truly be missed in this world. Marcia Duncan, Knoxville, TN.

  6. Kathleen Hall

    I was brought up in the Catholic church, and never had a Bible or heard Scripture verses. As I was tuning into the TV, I stopped on a Billy Graham rally, and eagerly watched the rally. I continued the search and was saved in the 70’s. I also had the privilege of singing with the choir at a Derry, NH, rally.

  7. Helen Plude

    I went forward and rededicated my life at the Billy Graham Crusade in Boston in 1983. I went to the Crusade every night but one and sang in the choir. What a thrill. I will always remember Billy Graham and what an impact he had on my life!

  8. Margaret Wade Roberts

    My family always followed Billy Graham’s messages and revivals. My dad, Albert E. Wade was born on November 19, 1918. Dad was an ordained, licensed minister who also loved the Lord and shared with everyone everywhere he went, as did my mom, G. Louise Wade. So thankful for Frank and family. Come again to MT.

  9. Lauren Thompson

    At 16 years old, Rev. Billy Graham impacted my life with his selfless love, integrity and complete devotion to God. May God raise up men and women to carry the precious torch that Rev. Billy has just passed down. God bless the Graham family!