Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Sharon Poston (formerly Oliver)

    What a blessing God gave us in Rev Graham. I met him in Boise, Idaho for a national governors prayer breakfast and sang “To God be the Glory” prior to his preaching. I will cherish that opportunity God gave. My prayers are with his family for comfort and peace as only God can provide.

  2. Mary Ann Jeter

    I first heard Billy Graham preach in 1950 in Waco, Tx. I was 7 yrs. old. His sermons, books and his family members’ books have made my family stronger in our faith in Jesus and better servants who are more willing to speak God’s truth. I am sad, but joyful that he is now with God.

  3. Janet Linen

    I went to Billy Graham’s last Crusade in New York, Flushing Meadows in 2005. My parents and my family loved him. ♥ Truly humble servant of God.

  4. Kenneth Hodson

    I want to give my gratitude to Billy Graham. In 1968 at the Sydney Show Ground (Australia) crusade I gave my life to Jesus Christ following Billy Graham’s gospel message at the age of 10. The Holy Spirit touched the very fibre of my being and I gave a big yes to Jesus.

  5. Cheruthalamannil Varughese John

    As a youngster way back in mid-1950s when Dr. Billy Graham came to Kerala the State in India, I was impacted to love Jesus, till now at 73.

  6. Gavora CrosbyJones

    Growing up in Charlotte, I remember Pastor Billy Graham speaking on television and the radio as a child. My best memory was when I got older and visited the chapel in Asheville. The spirit in this place was beyond words. I would have loved to have met him in person. Still he touched my life, too.

  7. Ginger Stadther

    I saw him 3 times. Always moved me in my spirit. I was so hungry to hear more and more of God’s word. So troubled. Mom killed in car accident. At 50, I gave in. I am sharing Christ to everyone. Thanks!

  8. Sherry Coleman

    I remember watching my dad watch Billy Graham on television. My dad didn’t get saved until years later but without a doubt seeds were sown in his heart as he watched the television broadcast. Thank you God for Your humble servant who poured into so many lives. Thank you for giving to the Lord!

  9. Diane Logan

    I was employed for 10yrs by the organisation in Australia that made BGEA films available to 100’s of churches, prisons, Christian groups in universities, hospitals, schools & Christian business groups. Each film booked & processed through its ‘journey’ – checking it out to its return was a privilege.