Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Tony Ponter

    My father came back from World War ll having been a machine gunner in five campaigns. He would say “Christ cannot love me, I have had to kill so many men.” Billy Graham’s ministry was the catalyst that helped my father understand how much Christ loves him.

  2. Ernestine Bonicelli

    I heard Brother Graham in Memphis, TN in 1950 or 51. I was only 16 and didn’t realize who I was listening to! But in the years since, I have heard him many, many times and realized what a gift he is and was from God! Praying for Revival to break out!

  3. Al Leonard

    I grew up watching crusades on TV and listening to him on the radio with my grandmother. I was fortunate to be able to take my daughter to his crusades in Jacksonville, Fla and the final one in New York. I admire that his message never wavered and he never hid his light under a bushel. God Bless

  4. David and Teresa Prather

    We were blessed to pay our respects to Dr. Graham at the US Capitol Rotunda. It was a moment we will never forget. People sang, wept, prayed, and stood silently circled around Billy Graham. It was one of the most spiritually moving times of my life. Praise God for the life of Billy Graham!

  5. Martin Kramer

    Rev. Graham was a wonderful influence in my youth. I live near the Northwestern College campus, and God had so much more in His plans for Billy! His was a powerful witness to the world and its leaders. May God bless you and yours.

  6. Radu Coliba

    Being raised in Soviet Union, I was taught that there is no God. In March 1993, being a college student, I went for the first time to Billy Graham’s Crusade. Listening to his message about Jesus who died for my sins, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord. Since then, I am God’s child.

  7. Wanda Fishburn

    My mother always had us watch Billy Graham. He reinforced the Christian upbringing that we had and spread the love of Jesus Christ. My mother, daughter, and I were able to attend his crusade in Albuquerque in the 1970s. What a blessing it was. Also I received the blessing of Decision magazine.

  8. Cynthia Davis

    Never saw Billy Graham in person, but I met him all the same through my grandma Allie when I was a child. On weekends I spent with her, she’d turn on the TV and there he was, a white man as serious about Jesus as my grandma was. Listening to them both I knew Jesus was real. God bless you!

  9. Don Varga

    March 2, 2018. Billy’s burial memorial service. Today is my birthday, 1950. I am honored that these events coincide! Thank you Jesus Christ, our Creator, Saviour, Orchestrator from heaven!