God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
Prayed and sang in choir in Little Rock, AR. The air was charged with the presence of the Lord!!
May God give each and every member of the Graham family strength, wisdom, knowledge, and will power to get through this sad time and to continue spreading God’s Word to the unsaved.
My family was invited to attend a Billy Graham Crusade in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, in 1985. I was 12, and remember to this day Dr. Graham challenging all of the young people there to no longer borrow our faith from our parents but to stake a claim to it as our own—and I did! Thanks! Preach on I will!
I am 60 years old. I was saved at the age of 10. Billy Graham’s life journey and testimony has always been and will remain a convicting force and inspiration to me as I try to show my love for others the way Billy did. I believe God used him greatly as a role model for all believers.
My maiden name was Boag. When I was about 11 years old, Billy Graham came to Philadelphia and my Sunday school class went to see him. It was there I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I am almost 75 years old now. Thank you for giving me a forever life. I will miss you always.
My family and I watched each Crusade, and I gave my life to Christ watching one at 13. Today, at 60, I am still a believer, a Bible study leader and an MRT volunteer for BGEA’s internet evangelism. I thank God for the ministry of Billy Graham, and am so honored to be a part of it. God bless you all!
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the family of Billy Graham. Although he will be greatly missed in this life, what a glorious rejoicing in Heaven in the arms of our Lord Jesus Christ! Our family was blessed to have attended the Billy Graham Crusade in Portland, Oregon, in 1992. Prayers!
In grade school, I wanted to marry Billy Graham. Later, I went to Wheaton College (’68) and lived in Williston Hall, where Billy Graham met Ruth. I was a counselor for the New York Crusade in 1969 at Madison Square Garden. He was a good and faithful servant to his Lord Jesus Christ.
Deepest condolences.
Please send message to Anne Graham Lotz. Anne, I have never prayed in first person reading Scriptures. It’s so powerful and so meaningful! I praise God for your reading Scriptures with your daddy and how much more meaningful it is to read the word of GOD in first person! Praying for you and your family.