God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
I watched Billy Graham preaching on television since I was 13 and was always moved greatly. I accepted Christ during one of the programs. My husband and I went to hear him in Indianapolis, IN, when he was there once. I have been a supporter of the organization since I was 18 years old.
Reverend Billy Graham’s ministry impacted my life and continues to do so. I watched a Crusade on June 1, 1982. I called TX and talked to Gene. The subject was about abortions and I had an abortion. I was freed and have been following and abiding in Jesus. Serving with joy!
My local TBN would carry him on a Saturday night slot, which I made a tradition of watching. It was instrumental in my faith and a building exercise. I benefited a great deal. What a blessed life. May he rest in peace.
I was a young Christian mother in the 60’s with small school age children during the integration period. There was much unrest in our schools. Rev. Billy Graham was a shining light in the darkness. His love and simple sermons touched the hearts of all people. He was a great apostle of Jesus.
I saw and heard Dr. Billy Graham at Urbana in 1976, and his powerful and effective preaching brought me under conviction. I had prayed a year before this to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. But Dr. Graham’s preaching made we recommit my life to God and began in me a heart for missions.
I can’t begin to explain in 300 characters what Billy Graham has meant to me. I only wish I could’ve gone to one of his Crusades, and will always watch them on TV. I’m a devoted woman of God and only pray that I may touch someone’s heart the way he did throughout his life. Thank you Billy Graham!
The great message of Salvation through faith and belief in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior has brought me to my knees often. If I had to do it all over again, “I’d trust Christ more.” I am saved by the grace of Christ and the Father’s almighty love for me. Thanks, God, for Billy.
I was blessed with wonderful Christian parents. Billy Graham Crusades were special to us. I’ll always remember my parents calling us, “Come on girls! Billy Graham is on.” We’d watch the Billy Graham Crusade on our little black-and-white television. We praise Jesus for our salvation! Amen!
It is so hard to imagine a world without Billy Graham because my generation needs him desperately. I had a tremendous hurt that I bore alone for almost 10 years. I went to the Cleveland, Ohio, campaign and that very night God began a process of healing. I am grateful.
Thank you for being a guiding light of the Word of God and inspiration to many of God’s children to follow the Word and Jesus to see the pathway to Heaven. I know you are with our Lord and the Holy Father. God bless you, sir.