God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
I love Rev. Graham’s consistent message: Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation.
I made the walk to the front to receive his blessing, and my life has been enriched ever since. He was a blessing from God!
Mr. Graham touched our family through his children. As we watched his funeral, we admired the godliness, servanthood, and humility which characterized each child as they spoke. These lessons are core in their ministries which have instructed, supported, and healed our family. We are forever grateful.
Billy Graham was my standard. Even as a young girl I heard him in the Portland tent meeting in 1950. I had already accepted Jesus as Lord. Much later in 1970’s I took my children and their friends to hear him in the new Kingdome in Seattle. Time has passed but as he lives in heaven! We live!
As a young adult I had left my Catholic faith behind. I was already weary of the emptiness of temporal things when I came across a copy of Reverend Graham’s book, Peace with God. That book opened the door to a new life in Christ for me. I am forever grateful.
Hearing Billy Graham at Anaheim Stadium was the first time I considered Jesus Christ. Even though I came forward, I resisted God for several years after that. But I believe He’s kept pursuing me ever since.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Graham family.
I remember viewing Mr. Graham as a child on our black and white television.
Before his death, truthfully I was simply a passive hearer of his name and preachings; But having watched different videos from his past teachings, my mindset has transformed to a higher realm, and I can’t wait to watch all the remaining teachings.
I heard Billy Graham on TV when he was preaching in NYC in 1957 when I was 8. In 1984, I attended a crusade in Anchorage, Alaska, and in 1995, in Sacramento California, where I participated as a counselor. I am reading his autobiography, and appreciate his focus on reaching souls with the gospel.