God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
I heard the Gospel from Billy Graham on a cardboard record in 1960. He was a great preacher.
One of the greatest of all times. He made a lifetime achievement for God and touched many lives, including mine.
I didn’t know of Billy Graham until the day of his passing. Reading about his life really had a huge impact on me. Three hundred words cannot express the impact that he had. Unfortunately, I’m at a loss of words but I thank him, his family and our Father God. God bless us all.
I love his passion for our God & the living Jesus Christ. God bless & Godspeed. ✝️
My hearty condelences.
When I was a young boy and whenever Billy Graham came on TV my mother would make us come and watch. At first I didn’t really like it. I listened and over time I really learned to like Reverend Graham. He has had the most influence on so, so many as well as me. God bless him.
I made decision for Christ at a Billy Graham crusade in Sydney, Australia in 1959 and thank God for this man of God, who shared the Gospel clearly and simply and challenged me to live for the One Who died for me and to be willing to share what He did for me and could do the same for anyone who wanted.
My condolences to the family. I’m 43 years old and I grew up listening to Billy Graham. My mother got saved and my father, too. I’m very grateful. He was a true pastor.
Billy Graham was an inspiration to me from the first time I heard him in 1970 when I came to the United States from Mexico. He planted seeds to become a Christian a few years later. We thank God for Billy Graham!
I came to know Christ while watching one of the Crusades on television in 1998. It was the single most important decision of my life. I still thank God for having me turn to that TV station at that moment in time. I am 60 now and never looked back. Thank you for what you do. You saved my life.