Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Terry Surratt

    I remember seeing Dr Graham in Philadelphia 25 years ago–and to this day the simple power of the Gospel, coupled with his unequaled delivery, made an impression upon me that has lasted till this day. If anyone could deliver the living Jesus as God to people, it was Dr. Graham.

  2. Pam Gardner

    People have asked me, “When did you first believe?” I have always answered, “I don’t remember, it’s just like I’ve always just known.” It has taken Billy Graham’s passing to make me realize that it was probably through him that Christ was made known to me. Thank you Billy, and God bless.

  3. Elizabeth Schichtel

    I was raised Catholic, but after watching a Billy Graham crusade on television, I felt very drawn to his message! He left a big impression on me. As a result, I am no longer a Catholic, but an Evangelical Christian. He was the best preacher I had ever seen!

  4. Darlene Ellis

    As a teenager in San Francisco in the 50’s I saw Billy Graham at the Cow Palace. I had already received my salvation by grace through faith a couple of years prior, but seeing and hearing him speak only deepened my faith. Rest in Heaven, BG, with your Savior and your beloved Ruth!

  5. Robin Ross

    As a child, I did not appreciate him or fully understand the Word of God. In 1994, I had a severe TBI. I was ashamed of my mental condition and hid from God. Recently, I have found The Lord, again. Mr. Graham’s glorious presentation of The Word of God has put me on track to give testimony.

  6. Elizabeth Zarohian

    My memories go back to my childhood (1950s) when my mother would just call him “Billy” as though he was a member of the family! He spoke God’s Truth into our hearts and never wavered from it. To think of the world without him seems surreal but I celebrate that he is with our Lord Jesus, home at last.

  7. Martha Sheldahl

    I watched the Madison Square Gardens Crusades in the late 50’s. I was a teenager and had never heard the gospel preached like that. This is where I first learned of salvation. One message was on when Christ returns. He asked where do you want to be when that happens. That always stuck with me.

  8. Michael Tinsley

    I remember watching some preachers before I was seven years old and found out quickly that they were charlatans. My parents told me to listen to Billy Graham for the real truth. I’ve been praying for him for the past 60 years, a truly great blessing for me. In Christ Jesus.

  9. Steven Hicks

    I love Mr. Graham. I was watching Mr. Graham on TV back in June of 1969. I was 8 years old then and the love and the warmth I needed from God’s Word on that day changed my life in Jesus Christ forever. God bless you Mr. Graham for your love and devotion in the word of God Almighty.