Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Irene Nightingale

    I sang in the Billy Graham choir with Cliff Barrows and Bev Shea at the rallies in Harringay, England when I was a young lady. I am now 81 years old and treasure those times. My brother who is 84 tomorrow, and has advanced Alzheimer’s now, used to sing a duet called “It is no secret.”

  2. Jennifer Munden

    Rev. Graham has had the most influence in my walk with Christ. He has always been my go-to man for answers to my questions. I have many of his books. I have prayed for him and requested prayer for myself. I volunteered with his son this past year for Decision in Indiana. What awesome time in Heaven.

  3. Kathryn Willman

    I miss Billy Graham and send my sympathy to his family. I was 13 when he came to Indianapolis for a crusade. Our church attended the crusade and I went forward that night. I had been baptized a year earlier but Rev. Graham’s words touched my heart. I will never forget that night.

  4. Lonnie Saulsbury

    “Praise the Lord” for Billy Graham’s life and Christian testimony! It was a most wonderful ‘blessing’ to have been an employee at the Billy Graham office in Minneapolis for two years back in 1968…wonderful memories!

  5. Dave Hightower

    I was a young man in the crowd in 1997 at Liberty University when Billy Graham gave the commencement. It was historic, and I just felt the weight of his words falling all over the campus. He had the residue of Jesus on what he said. I’ll always appreciate his steadfast devotion to Christ.

  6. Tammy Watson

    I have watched The Billy Graham Crusade on TV since I was a young girl. It was heartwarming to hear his message and watch thousands of people respond to Just As I Am.

  7. Gertrude McGee

    This great man of God has been an inspiration. He ushered me by his teaching of the word of God, right into the presence of God. I remember watching him on TV with my parents. Such great memories.

  8. Hanlk Lesesne

    1996 – I welcomed Rev. Graham to UNC-CHill graduation for honorary doctorate. Beautiful May day with 20,000 in Kenan Stadium. Four others got honorary degrees, with a little applause each. When we approached the podium, the whole stadium stood for five minutes clapping–goose bumps even now. H. Lesesne, Prof.

  9. Jose Angel Matos

    What I admire most about Billy Graham is what a great person he truly was; the way he inspired the entire world and his passion for God as well as putting religious first. May he rest in peace until the day Jesus returns for the second time.