Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Patricia Santa Maria

    I attended a Billy Graham Crusade when I was 11 years old. I wasn’t a Christian and didn’t grow up in a Christian family, but that evening I was changed forever because I learned of Jesus Christ for the first time and that seed was planted in my heart. Thank you Rev. Graham. I am now 65.

  2. Mark Angelotti

    I’m 16 years old. I had heard the name “Billy Graham” in the past, but never really cared. This past Thanksgiving I stumbled onto some of Billy Graham’s old crusades on YouTube, and now I listen to him at least once a week, sometimes daily. Billy Graham has had a big impact on my life. Thank you!

  3. Robert (Bob) Morris

    As a pilot for NetJets, I had the privilege of flying Billy Graham a number of times. None of these could approach the significance of the flight on Sep 14, 2011. After presidential approval, I flew Billy to deliver his message at the National Prayer Service. Amazingly, he asked me what he should say.

  4. Joseph Rossomando

    A lighthouse in a dark ocean! Billy Graham, a candlestick set on a hill for all to see the LIGHT! Here I am Lord, send Me! I was lost but then I was found. Thank you Billy Graham! The body of Christ, one bread! Thank You Billy Graham! Who, yes who, shall stand in this giant’s foot steps?

  5. Steve Mandry

    I was privileged to hear Billy Graham in person twice. The first time was as a small child, at an outdoor event in Forest Park, in St. Louis in May of 1953. As an adult I took my wife to hear him again in St. Louis in October of 1999. Mr. Graham and his Association have always been an inspiration.

  6. Tanya Vo

    I’m very thankful and grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for using Billy Graham to lead me to repent and to have a personal relationship with Him.

  7. Pat DeSmith

    I was a woman looking for something in the wrong way. In August 1982 I had the TV on. A Billy Graham Crusade was on. It was as if he was talking directly to me about my life. He said God loved me. By asking Jesus to be my Savior I would be saved. I got on my knees, committed to Jesus. Life changing!

  8. Wanda Poppell

    Around 1967 I heard Billy Graham in San Juan Puerto Rico and served as a counselor. In 1968 I heard him in San Antonio, Texas. In the 1990s Billy Graham came to San Antonio and I was able to serve as a sign language interpreter.