Billy Graham

1918 — 2018

Memories & Condolences

God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.

What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.

  1. Virginia Rudd

    Billy Graham has always meant so much to me. My mom and dad met in Southern Baptist seminary in CA, and married shortly thereafter in 1957. They volunteered to be counselors when Billy had a crusade in the area. Mom sold his books in our Christian bookstore and played “Bev” Shea records.

  2. Denise Adams

    As my good friend David put it, “The thunder you heard early this morning, was the standing ovation in heaven for this man, as Billy Graham passed away.” Billy Graham was truly a good and faithful servant, and welcomed home into heaven with a warm embrace. Praying for the Graham family.

  3. Joan Paris

    Billy Graham was the most like Jesus of any man living. My heart is hurting because I can’t imagine this world without Billy Graham. I was hoping that he would live to be raptured and I would go with him. He is receiving many crowns and heard the words, Well done, thy good and faithful servant.

  4. Rev. Dr. Belle Drake

    God raised up Dr. Graham as a unique man in all of history. His homegoing will unveil prophetically exactly what his impact for the Kingdom was, is, and will be. Prayers of comfort, coupled with much rejoicing, as we stand on the promises of God bought with the blood of Jesus. Peace and grace.

  5. Charmaine Cress

    My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family. I remember as a young girl watching so many of his messages across this world. I always wanted to meet him and sit down and just talk. I never did here on earth but I look forward to that day when I am in eternity with our Lord and Savior.

  6. Greg Sanders

    I have grown up knowing of and watching the Crusades Pastor Graham conducted all over the world. Now, at age 66, I still enjoy watching the Classics crusade series. I was blessed to live during his lifetime here on earth and I will be praying for your family as you go through this valley.

  7. Marianne Carnegie

    Reverend Graham, I would like to express my deepest sorrow and my deepest joy for the loss of your wonderful, earthly father. May he rest in peace with the Lord and your mother. We shall all celebrate his life! God’s blessings to you and your family, Marianne Carnegie