God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
In the 1960’s my mom was a part of the choir which sang in NYC during the Billy Graham Crusades. Many of those young people remained serving God into their golden years. They actually reunited 40 yrs later to sing in several of their home churches. My parents served as pastors till their home going.
Attended a Billy Graham crusade in 1957. Was having a rough time at home. It saved my life in more ways than one. What a difference his sermon made and it was the beginning of my journey to follow Christ. I am alive today because this ONE man cared to share the gospel and make an impact.
My Grandma watched crusades on TV in Chicago when we visited. No one dared change the channel! Her son, my dad, sought encouragement from Billy on the radio whenever he had to go back into Detroit to his shop late at night. My husband has served with Samaritan’s Purse. What a blessing! Thank you all.
I met Billy Graham at the Cow Palace in about 1958 during the Crusade there. It was a group of college students and my wife and I who hosted a Bible Study once a month in a beautiful home where I was the gardener going to college as well. We all drove from Pasadena.
I have grown up listening to Billy Graham preaching God’s Word at his crusades, watching them with my family as a little girl. He has had a great impact on my life and the development of my faith. My heart hurts. I never met him but I loved him!
Me averguenza no poder expresar en inglés la admiración y respeto que me inspira el Sr. Graham. A través de sus libros y el testimonio de sus hijos, he conocido de su rectitud en fe y su bella familia para la que envio mis condolencias muy respetuosamente en Cristo. Hna. Amparo Ruiz
My husband and I watched your dad’s funeral that morning. At 4 that afternoon my husband of 60 years passed away. Please pray for me.
I met Billy Graham many years ago in Jamaica. I’ve written a tribute to him for the kindness and earnestness he so well demonstrated in that meeting. Sadly, I’m unable to share it here as it’s too lengthy to fit into this form. Please let me know if there’s another place to share it…thank you.
Anne, I cried for the full time any part of the various events surrounding your dad’s funeral were on television – the motorcades, the awesome event in Washington, the beautiful service at the Library in Charlotte, and for days afterward. “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good tidings!”
I was influenced by Billy Graham when my parents went to a post Billy Graham Bible study in the D.C. area in the 1950s. The man who held the study was a contractor and owed my dad money, and Dad went to collect. He heard the gospel and committed his life to Christ. This totally transformed our family.