God has used the life and ministry of Billy Graham to impact the lives of millions around the world. Perhaps you have a testimony about Mr. Graham’s ministry.
What did Mr. Graham mean to you? We invite you to share your stories and remembrances or express your condolences to the family here.
I saw Billy Graham standing on an iron fire escape giving the Gospel to the group of us unable to get into the auditorium in Portland, OR at his crusade. Years earlier parents of my friend had come to Christ under his ministry. Thank you, Franklin and family for continuing to preach the Gospel.
Pastor Billy Graham was a part of my life since age 2. I listened & watched him with my dad all the time he preached. He had a powerful effect on me! I am a born again Christian since age 9, repenting for my sins, baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I am a child of God!
I know it’s hard to lose your Dad. I’m praying for you all.
As a child I was raised in an alcoholic home but watched the Billy Graham Crusade on TV and was captivated that God loved me. I sent for the magazine and those seeds planted led to my salvation as a teenager. I have now been a Preacher of the Gospel for 48 yrs and God’s always been faithful.
I knew about Billy Graham since I learned how to read as a child as my grandmother and mother loved listening to his cassette tapes and reading his books. Billy Graham is truly a inspiration to many as he lived a Godly life. If more parents followed his teachings more kids would know God’s Love.
My love and memories of Ruth and Billy have truly been, “A Sister in the Lord, we are family and I look forward meeting them in person in Heaven.” I loved Billy Graham’s anointing of boldness explaining the gospel. His words still go forth, “Are you ready to meet Christ?”
My father was saved after watching a Billy Graham crusade on TV. My sister gave her heart to Jesus at a Billy Graham crusade in Tampa. I now have assurance of their salvation and know I will see them in heaven. If it hadn’t have been for Billy Graham this might not have been possible.
Our condolences to his family. We thank the Lord for giving us such a great man, a perfect example on how the Lord should be served. For his children that continue with his ministry.
I came to Christ through Billy Graham’s ministry–a TV crusade–when I was in grade school. In the 9th grade, through a Billy Graham movie, I came to Christ again. I then fell away from the Lord; however, in 1971, I returned to Christ, largely through Dr. Graham’s books Peace With God and another book.
My parents’ first date was to the LA Crusade, & years later, as an adult, I attended his Anaheim Crusade, & later the Rose Bowl crusade on my 50th birthday! I have had the privilege of attending the RRT trainings at the Cove for the past 7 years, and supporting BGEA and the work that Billy began!